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Empowering Voters - Defending Democracy
HomeDiscussion Groups

LWVMC Members and their guests may participate in regular Discussion Group meetings to share information about LWVMC programs and activities. Some meetings are designed to update members on recent League activities. Other meetings focus on current policy issues and members discuss possible advocacy positions (examples of policy discussions from our 2023-24 program year are below).

Discussion Groups are generally held in the middle of the month.  They may be in-person, hybrid, or virtual by Zoom. A link for the Zoom sessions will be sent to every member before Discussion Groups are held.  If you have questions, please email Mary Ellen Condon at
SEPTEMBER 2024 Discussion Group Meetings
In September, we will meet to reconnect and summarize the results of the National League 2024 Convention. Please preview the LWVUS summary page at Highlights Convention 2024. We will also update everyone on the work we are doing in advance of the upcoming General Election on November 5.

The Fact Sheet for the September DG meetings is in our website Document Library (go to Fact Sheets/LWVUS), here.

September Meeting Dates:
  • Wednesday, September 11, 10:30-12:30 am.  In-person, Leisure World. Diane Goldfarb will administer the session. For information, email Diane at
  • Thursday, September 12, 10:00-11:00 am. Hybrid*. League Office, 27 Wood Lane, Rockville, and Zoom. Mary Ellen Condon will administer the session. Email Mary Ellen at




5/2024 DG ERIC
ERIC Electronic Registration Information Center:
 The Future of its Value to Prevent Voter Fraud as States Withdraw

May Discussion Groups will cover ERIC – Electronic Registration Information Center

Discussion Groups in May will take up the topic of ERIC, which stands for Electronic Registration Information Center. A group of election officials from seven states founded ERIC in 2012; they believed that “using state-of-the-art data matching technology, a robust data sharing program built on widely accepted information security standards, and an unprecedented commitment to cooperation would vastly improve their ability to maintain accurate voter rolls. It would also have the added benefit of allowing them to reach out to unregistered, but likely eligible, individuals more efficiently than anyone else.

Please come prepared for the discussion by reading the information on ERIC, including FAQs, the list of participating states and other ERIC statistics, a letter from the head of ERIC, and some questions to consider before the Discussion Group, all of which can be found here.




February Discussion Groups will cover police use of force and qualified immunity, for consensus

The Law Enforcement Study Group will lead February’s Discussion Groups with a new fact sheet and questions for consensus. Learn about their latest research on police use of force and qualified immunity. Use of force is a central issue in the national conversation on policing, and the lack of federal standards for how law enforcement use force complicates reform efforts. Qualified immunity is a widely used legal doctrine commonly invoked in use of force lawsuits. The new fact sheet builds on the study group’s 2022 effort, which examined civilian oversight of law enforcement and police accountability. Following the presentation, members will be asked to vote on consensus questions which may be used to craft new policy positions for LWVMC. Please come prepared by reading the new fact sheet, now available in our Document Library, and be ready to have an informed discussion.

Stay In Touch

LWV of Montgomery County, MD
27 Wood Lane
Rockville, MD 20850
PHONE:  301-984-9585